Creative Writing 101 — an online writing workshop for teenagers

Natasha Badhwar
2 min readJul 7, 2022


Transform teenage experiences into compelling writing

Writing is not just for those with perfect grammar and great spelling. Writing belongs to all of us. Teenagers who dislike rules, love learning, and dream of better worlds will gather in a cozy online space to activate their inner writer.
Develop confidence, calm and clarity through creative writing. In this workshop, we will learn to draft, edit, and experience writing as a thrilling process that challenges and empowers us.

Teenage is a tumultuous time for children. Teenagers have to discover who they are while undergoing massive change. They have to make sense of a changing body, reckon with their emotions, and find belonging in friendship and family.

Wouldn’t it help to equip them with a lifelong skill that provides calm and encourages creativity? A skill that helps them play with language and share their story?

Writing is such a skill.

Unfortunately, our schools don’t always have the space to nurture honest writing with affection and attention. Writing is seen as a perfect product, not a tender, difficult, yet rewarding process.

Facilitated by Rajashree Gandhi
Rajashree Gandhi is a writer, teacher, and a writing teacher. An alumna of School of Media and Cultural Studies, TISS, Mumbai, Rajashree is currently a language education consultant at SIFF Scholars Program, Bengaluru. Her writing has appeared in Buzzfeed, Café Dissensus, Muse India, The Alipore Post, and elsewhere. Subscribe to her Substack here.

Dates: 7, 14, 21, 28 August | 10:30am- 1:30pm on Sundays
Age: 12–19-years-old

Fees: Rs. 14,999/-
Email to Apply:

Hosted by: Natasha Badhwar at Ochre Sky Workshops



Natasha Badhwar

I write to live. It slows me down, makes me see, reflect, explain, forgive. Writing is my self care. My books : My Daughters' Mum and Immortal For A Moment